Paper And Glue Into Exquisite 3D Paper Artwork

Yulia Brodskaya is an paper artist and illustrator. She only uses two simple materials which are paper and glue. To make three-dimensional paper artworks she cut carefully and bend the strips of paper into outstanding artworks.

Image @ Yulia Brodskaya

Yulia Brodskaya has earned an international reputation of her innovative paper artworks and help her to build an impressive client in just in a few short years.

Image @ Yulia Brodskaya
Image @ Yulia Brodskaya

Image @ Yulia Brodskaya

For more info about her artworks visit:
Facebook: FB/paperdesignart/


Paper And Glue Into Exquisite 3D Paper Artwork Paper And Glue Into Exquisite 3D Paper Artwork Reviewed by Unknown on 4:27 PM Rating: 5
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